New Fit Announcement - Party Guy + Booty Guy


The new Party Guy fit hearkens back to the 90s athletic wear. Combining the classic five pocket jean with the athletic staple, tear away pants. Instead of snaps the pants feature silver buttons running the length of the out seam. The rivets are also inscribed with the words “Je t’adore toute nue” which translates to “I adore you naked” in English. This subtly foreshadows the nature of this garment’s tear away properties. The fit is named after the person it is most suited, the Party Guy. The Party Guy may be prompted to party at any moment and requires a garment that can be removed with great hast. Our mission was to fulfill this need.

Under the Party Guy comes Naked & Famous’ next revolutionary fit the Booty Guy. The Booty Guy when worn in conjunction with the Party Guy raises the wearer’s party level to 11. Cut high on the thigh the Booty Guy allows for maximum movement while still maintaining the classic denim style.

The Party Guy and Booty Guy will be available April 1st sold exclusively through Tate and Yoko as well as Naked & Famous Denim NYC (once the shop reopens).

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